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September 20, 2022

Wooster Education Association

Leaders in Education Since 1904

Executive Committee – Tuesday, September 20th, 2022 – WHS C233

  1. Welcome: 5:30PM
  2. Adoption of Agenda

-Brian Burdine, Matt Giordano

  1. Approval of Executive Committee Minutes: EC February 2022, EC March 2022

-Deb Brown, Matt Pidgeon

  1. Officers’ Reports
  2. Secretary: Charles Cerniglia

-Thank you from Chris Matthew for planter given by WEA.

-Thank you from Lori McCollum for planter given by WEA.

-Thank you from Cindy Vaughn for retirement gift.

-OEA RA and NEA Local Delegate elections will be held at the WEA GA on Tuesday, September 27th. Please forward nominations to WEA Secretary/Elections Chair Charles Cerniglia.

  1. Treasurer: Karen Linch

Financial Report:

Checking:    $7,834.74

Savings:      $20,598.54

Total: $28,433.28


Membership Report:

Certified:    270+6 non-members

Support:     195+8 non-members

Total: 465+14 non-members

-Deb Brown, Brian Burdine


2021-2022 Budget Summary

-Matt Pidgeon, Matt Giordano

  1. Vice-President Classified: Alison Theiss

-Nothing to report.

  1. Vice-President Certified: Robin Gonzalez

-Two ERC meetings already.

  1. WEA President’s report: Scott S. Miller

-GA: 5:30-6:00 – House Candidate Mark Gooch

-GA: 6:00-6:30 – OEA RA and NEA RA Elections and MOU vote

  1. Committee Reports
  2. Membership: Refer to Treasurer’s report
  3. Classified Grievance: Cassie Badillo

-One grievance ongoing.

  1. Certified Grievance: Brian Burdine

-IEP/504 grievance.

-Staff meeting times.

  1. Legislative Update: Scott S. Miller

-Nothing to report.

  1. Evaluation Review Committee: Robin Gonzalez

-Refer to Vice-President Certified Report.

  1. Organizing Committee: Karen Linch and Brian Burdine

-Nothing to report

  1. OEA Board of Directors: Karen Linch

-Nothing to report.

  1. Labor Relation Consultant (LRC) Report: Joel Glasser

-Nothing to report

  1. New Business:

WEA 2022-2023 First Budget Reading

Resolution 118-1: Annual Local Goal Needed for LRC

-Clay Price, Deb Brown

Resolution 118-2: Support to Formally Notify OEA of Wooster EA’s consideration to dissociate with OEA at the end of CBA Spring of 2025

-Tabled for further discussion and research

  1. Old Business:
  2. Adjournment

-Brian Burdine, Deb Brown

Next WEA General Assembly meeting will be Tuesday, September 27th, 2022 5:30 PM in WHS DMR

Next WEA Executive Committee meeting will be Tuesday, October 25th, 2022 5:30 PM in WHS DMR