Home » WEA EC Minutes » 2015-2016 » September 22, 2015

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September 22, 2015

Wooster Education Association

Leaders in Education Since 1904

Executive Committee – Tuesday, September 22, 2015 – WHS Room C233 – 5:30 PM


  1. Welcome:  5:30PM


  1. Adoption of Agenda

-Clay Price, Matt Giordano


  1. Approval of Executive Committee Minutes:  May 2015

-Clay Price, Brian Burdine


  1. Officers’ Reports
  2. Secretary:  Charles Cerniglia

-Thank you from Gail Ricksecker for retirement gift.

-Reminder to submit nominations for OEA and NEA RA taking place at next GA.


  1. Treasurer:  Karen Linch

Financial Report:

Checking:        $1,223.63

Savings:          $12,157.49

Total:              $13,381.12


Membership Report:

Certified:        282+1 Fee Payer

Support:         176+3 Fee Payers

Total:              458+4 Fee Payers


-Matt Giordano, Anne Bowles


  1. Vice-President Classified:  Glenda Drouhard

-Para-Pro’s and even teachers are not being allowed to put overtime on their timecards. It is important to be on the clock in order to receive health benefits, etc… for workplace accidents.

-Students standing outside Cornerstone for transfer to Edgewood having to wait 30 minutesàunsafe for kids and causing problems.

-Drivers being skipped for field trips through incompetence and inconsistencies.


  1. Vice-President Certified:  Robin Gonzalez

-Not Present


  1. WEA President’s report:

-High school and Cornerstoneà administrative interns evaluating staff

-no contractual issue

-If there is a concern from those being evaluated by AI, submit to Scott


  1. Committee Reports
  2. Membership:  refer to treasurer’s report
  3. Classified Grievance:  Roxann Long


  1. Certified Grievance:  Brian Burdine

-No current grievances


  1. Legislative Update:  Robin Gonzalez

-Not Present


  1. Evaluation Review Committee:  Robin Gonzalez

-Not Present


  1. Labor Relation Consultant (LRC) Report:

-Not Present


  1. New Business:

-2nd Reading – Draft Budget

-Scott: Special Thanks to Karen Linch for obtaining a grant to do union building activities, including mentor/mentee dinner


  1. Old Business:


  1. Adjournment

-Matt Giordano, Jenn Stinchcomb


In attendance: Scott Miller, Glenda Drouhard, Karen Linch, Charles Cerniglia, Jenn Stinchcomb, Roxann Long, Brian Burdine, Matt Giordano, Anne Bowles, Clay Price, Dave Mast


Next WEA Executive Committee Meeting will be Tuesday, October 27th at 5:30PM WHS 233